Apr 18, 2009

William and Patience

While in Ghana we met lots of children who need a loving mom and dad to take them home. On the day that we visited the orphanage William, 9 years old, was burned on his feet by a fire that had been burning in the grass. He ran into the field to play unaware that there were still hot coals in the dirt and his feet were badly burned. The Luckyhill group has banded together to provide supplies and one of the amazing adopting moms (who happens to be a pediatric nurse) is leaving for Ghana to care for William's burns. You can see pictures of William's burned feet and information on donating to help care for his medical needs at http://sugarhousemama.blogspot.com/ The pictures and donation info are in the post dated April 13th. Please be forwarned, these are horrific pictures, but this is what the children in Ghana are faced with if they have an injury or illness. The medical care is just not good.
William also has a sister, Patience who is 11 years old. I'm sure they would love to have a mom and dad to take them home to love and care for them. That is really what all of the kids want, to be part of a family and have a mom and dad.


MommyBrec said...

I am glad you are all home and I HOPE feeling better. I am sure it was so difficult to leave your little kiddos behind...:( Praying you are all feeling well and you can bring your three children home VERY SOON!!!!!!!!!!

Sheri K said...

So glad you have AIR! And what a heart breaker -- thinking you weren't coming back and loving you all in the same breath.

Funny/sobering hospital story. GREAT to have the doctor's cell phone. AMAZING story about the embassy, depressing that you have to rely yet again on more papers arriving -- what ups and downs! But God's amazing work all through it.

Keep it up! It's good to be updated so regularly. What fun to see the perspectives from both you and Laurel. I think she sounds like an excellent traveling companion. Praise God for her willingness!

Love you,