Jun 3, 2009

Surgery now on Friday

Comfort's surgery has been rescheduled for Friday. They needed to have a bed available for her in ICU and did not have one for Thursday so her surgery is now on Friday. Please continue to pray for her heart, specifically the right ventricle, also however God leads you to pray because He knows all the details that we don't.
Today she is doing great. The nurse showed her once how to unhook her monitor to get out of bed and use the bathroom, and she now unhooks all her wires, goes to the bathroom then gets back in bed and hooks everything back up. She's an amazing girl! And she always has a big smile for the doctors, so sweet!
Totally trusting Him for the outcome,


Laurel said...

She's definitely one to want a little control at the hospital. Great that the nurses trusted her enough to teach her how to unhook herself, and hook herself back up. I can so picture her ... being so confident with herself. :)

Glad today was a good day ... praying for Friday's surgery.


MommyBrec said...

Taiger and I are continuing in prayer for Comfort and your entire family! Sending lots of love and hugs your way!

Breclyn and Taiger

Jenifer said...

The Terry's are sending love and prayers. I have opened a special fast today for Comfort,your family, and the Dr.'s who will be working on Comfort. What an awesome family you have, now complete with the kids from Luckyhill. We can't wait until we are complete with Prince and Matilda.
Much love and faith,

Grateful said...

Ditto...we are praying too (for all of you!).

Vicky said...

I will be praying tomorrow-- for Comfort, the doctors, and your whole family!

I loved the story about her learning how to unhook/rehook her monitors. I also love that the amazing nurses at Children's are willing to teach her that. That hospital is so wonderful!

BentzBunch said...

Prayers for all of you, especially Comfort on this day. We love you all so much. Holding our breath and holding tightly to our faith. Be strong.