May 8, 2010

Another Great Hike

Umtanum Canyon was a great hike for the Pearsons and the Knoxs! It was a beautiful 70 degree day for our desert hike, or so we thought. 3 miles in it started to hail, snow, thunder, lightning and rain. We were all in our t-shirts and some of us had on shorts. The big kids took off running back to the van while Mark and I took up the rear with the Comfort and the Knox's youngest daughter. We were all soaked, freezing and miserable, but happy to have conquered another adventure!! I was amazed that Comfort made it almost all the way and I just had to carry her on my back the last mile.
Last year I left for my second trip to Ghana on May 6th, the same day of this hike. I can't believe it's been almost a year that the kids have been here.


FullPlateMom said...

Tell Comfort I LOVE her hair! She looks AWESOME! Josephine too.

the H family said...

That first photo gave me flashbacks to the Canopy Walk!

We don't get out hiking nearly enough. Our weather has finally improved to where it would be pleasant. It looks like you all had a great time.