This has been a really long journey for us. It all started when God asked us to adopt. At the time we had 5 young children, no money, no time, no sleep, you get the picture. We were already overwhelmed, how could we possibly think about adopting? Well, we chose to believe that if God was asking us to do it, He would not leave us hanging. He would provide.
Over the last few years we have prayed, grown, changed and matured in the Lord. We have learned to trust Him in the midst of hard times, in times when we lacked faith, and times when we had doubt and fear.
We have also developed a love and compassion for orphans and believe James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress". For us, this means adoption into our family.
Please prayerfully consider what that verse means to you. Is God calling you to adopt? Is He calling you to be part of an adoption by supporting someone through prayer and/or financially? Maybe He is calling you to a short term mission to an orphanage or to monthly support of an orphan? I know that God is faithful to use you if you submit yourself to Him.
We are excited about our adoption journey!! I'll try to keep updating as often as possible.